“Future Facility Vision”


New Psalmist Building Project

Lord, I walked, prayed, laid hands,there are many buildings ? to be restored. There are many persons in need of restoration. Now, I look ? to you for directions. I believe no project is too big for you. My dreams are not fantasy, they are visionary and faith driven………

As we continue to believe and walk in “Unlimited Possibilties” we continue to walk by faith and not by sight. Having our own facility would allow us the opportunity to be an “Spiritual and Community Oasis” for many. Our vision of seven facilities that would change hoods into neighborhoods would come to pass once we get our first facility. Developers, Angel, Corporations Investors,Foundations, Community Based Organizations we would love the opportunity to share our vision and partner with you. We consider to pursue our goal of truly being a “House Of Restoration”. For more information Pastorinthehood@gmail.com.